Photomizer Retro позволяет возродить особый шарм прошлых эпох в цифровой фотографии. Для этого программа была оборудована специальными ретро-фильтрами, с помощью которых можно воспроизвести особенности многих исторических камер и пленочных материалов, которые не были доступны в течение длительного времени.
Additional highlights
- In addition to the special retro effects, the capable profiles and the intuitive interface Photomizer Retro provides the following functions:
- New! Adding of noise/grain: Denoising is not always desired. In contrast, some fans of photography even add noise to their photos. Photomizer Pro can do this for you now, no matter which degree of noise or grain or even fractal noise.
- Batch conversion: Fully automatic batch mode for manipulation of complete photo collections. New: If requested, all original paths are kept during storage.
- Rotation: The photo is on its side? No problem; just let it rotate into the correct position!
- Supported output formats: memory-saving JPG for web applications, mobile devices and for playback on screens as well as BMP for permanent archiving in high definition.
- Statistics function: The statistics tell you at any time how many photos you have already optimized.
- Non destructive image editing: The original photo remains unchanged in all steps
- Manual optimization: Additional options for individual editing of single photos - also in full-screen mode.
- EXIF/GEO: Reading and display of EXIF- and GEO-data from digital camera shots.
Информация о программе:
Дата: 2012
Платформа: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/7 (х32/x64)
Интерфейс: Английский
Лекарство: Вшито
Размер: 20.6 Mb
Формат файла: Rar
Информация для воссстановления: 5%
архив не запаролен
Download/Скачать : Engelmann Media Photomizer Retro Portable
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